Drishti Dhawan

“Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.”

says Henry Ford  the founder of Ford Motor Company, and chief developer of the assembly line technique of production. The statement demarks the importance of advertising in the market in consideration with the need to understand exactly how much the advertising campaign will cost in order to properly compete with the competitors before starting. This will take in depth planning and foresight to properly execute one’s advertising strategy. 

To understand what is the psychology of advertisers while campaigning the products we firstly need to understand the meaning of advertising. According to an article in Britannica advertising stands for, the techniques and practices used to bring products, services, opinions, or causes to public notice for the purpose of persuading the public to respond in a certain way toward what is advertised.

Nearly every type of human communication has been used to advertise at one time or another. But nowadays advertising is mostly done through Print Advertising, Billboards and Public Transit Ads, TV Commercials, Radio, Event Advertising, Direct Mail, Digital Advertising etc.

Commercials are an exceptionally great way for advertisers to get their messages across in an interactive way. In a minute or less, commercials can make a story and sell them to us.

With their catchy themes audios and videos, commercials can use a variety of tactics and techniques to make us nostalgic, make us laugh, or create content and scenarios which are more relatable to the audience. Watching the products in action used by people like ourselves or get a sense of how a product or service can help make our daily lives better in some way or other.

Cognitive psychology is the science of how our brains process and retrieve information. Advertisers use this psychology to manipulate our thoughts and convince us to buy their products or use the services.

A 2019 research shows that advertisements often rely on memory to do this. By tapping into general experiences that people might have had, ads can help us revive pleasant moments in our monotonous lives which we then relate with the product or brand the advertisement highlighted.

Advertising is about getting people to buy products, mingle up with a particular brand, or perform a certain action. To be successful, many advertisers use psychology to get their messages across and achieve their goals. Advertising psychology can help companies better understand their consumers and design and implement much more effective marketing campaigns.

From showing the right colours to using strategies such as showcasing cute animals or making people laugh; the advertising world uses many techniques to reach people.