Sarbjeet Kaur

Fashion sustainability is more than just talking about materials or goods. It tackles every
stage of the product lifetime, including how apparel is made, used, and disposed of in
landfills. To create a carbon-neutral fashion industry based on equity, social justice, animal
welfare, and ecological integrity, the phrase “sustainable fashion” applies to all stakeholders
(policymakers, brands, and consumers).
The idea of ethical and sustainable fashion has evolved from a trend toward an economic
need for the sector. According to a Statista survey conducted in 2022, 35% of American
consumers said they would be ready to spend much more on apparel that is made sustainably
or with less impact on the environment. It is obvious that consumers actively help to lessen
the environmental impact of fashion. Brands must therefore change to stay with this
viewpoint. Professionals looking to work in this field should update their understanding of
fashion sustainability to be able to do that. This can assist them in guiding brands through this
important change in how they conduct their business.
For a variety of reasons, sustainable fashion is vital. By 2050, 3.4 billion metric tons of
municipal solid trash will be produced globally. The reasons for this include changing
customer buying habits, urbanization, and population expansion. Sustainable clothing
manufacturers provide high-end clothing from durable materials in an effort to limit waste
production. The quantity of trash produced over time has been decreased by these apparel
makers’ efforts to mimic seasonal fashion fads.
The bulk of fast fashion companies that produce inexpensive apparel and release several
collections per year originate from garments from underdeveloped countries. Their
employees put lengthy shifts in hazardous conditions for wages that hardly cover the cost of
living. There is a constant pressure to produce, which contributes to the setting in which
workers are exploited. Furthermore, these companies have frequently been accused of using
child labor. In contrast, sustainable clothing businesses place high value on a secure working
environment and decent pay for employees. Biodegradable elements from natural or recycled
fibers are used in sustainable clothing. These products use less energy and water, grow
without the use of pesticides or fertilizers, and do not undergo any chemical processing, all of
which help lower their overall carbon footprint.
Additionally, sustainable fashion has a few restrictions. Due to the use of eco-friendly
materials and ethical labor standards, sustainable fashion products might be more expensive,
which may present a problem for consumers on a tight budget. Alternatives to conventional
fashion might not be as accessible, limiting consumer options. Finding eco-friendly materials
and ensuring ethical production procedures can be difficult and complicated, which may
result in supply chain inefficiency.
It can be challenging for customers to make educated decisions when firms engage in
“greenwashing,” as they exaggerate or fraudulently claim to be making sustainable efforts.
The variety of accessible styles may be constrained by sustainable fashion’s potential
incompatibility with fast-evolving fashion trends. The lack of widespread consumer
knowledge on sustainable fashion and its advantages can impede market expansion. In
conclusion, sustainable fashion has several advantages, such as lower environmental effects

and ethical production methods, but it also has drawbacks, such as higher pricing and limited
availability. The industry is evolving and, as more consumers demand sustainable options, it
is likely that these challenges will be addressed over time.