Sarbjeet Kaur

One child, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the world is a famous phrase used by Pakistani activist for female education, Malala Yousafzai, who is known for being the youngest-ever Nobel prize laureate. She used such a powerful statement to emphasize the importance of education, and access to knowledge, even for a single person, can have such a huge impact on the world. Story of Malala is very inspiring and can give goosebump to the one, at the age of 15 she was shot in her head for advocating girls education in swat valley of Pakistan. After going through coma, several operations, and treatments, she was able to return to her life and sacrifice the rest of her life for the young girl’s education.

Her message perfectly captures how education can change people. Children who obtain an education and are given the appropriate resources, such as a teacher, pen, and book, acquire information, critical thinking abilities, and the capacity for effective communication. This gives individuals the power to improve their lives and the communities in which they reside. People with higher education levels can advance their civilizations and have an impact that can change the world for the better.

Access to education can be a gift that changes a child’s life, especially if the child has been denied the opportunity to learn because of hardship, conflict, or gender discrimination. It gives students the chance to break free from the cycle of poverty, lay the groundwork for a successful life, and take on the role of changemakers. This is something Malala Yousafzai herself attests to. She persevered in her advocacy for girls’ education in the face of hardship, including a Taliban assassination attempt, and her voice is today a powerful force for global change.

Teachers play a crucial role in forming a young brain as mentors and knowledge brokers. A committed teacher has the power to inspire a child’s curiosity and foster a love for learning that will last a lifetime. The bond between a teacher and a student goes far beyond the walls of the classroom; it can serve as a constant source of motivation and encouragement.

Pens are powerful tools for those who want to question the status quo and promote justice and equality because they are symbols of expression. Pencilled words have the ability to change lives, start revolutions, and cause significant changes. People can connect with others who have experienced similar things when they share ideas and stories, forging a sense of togetherness and solidarity.

A book’s capacity to transcend time and geography enables ideas to be stored and passed down through generations. They act as a link between the present and future, allowing people to take what has been learned from the past and apply it to the problems of the present. Reading books can help readers grasp others’ viewpoints, expand their horizons, and develop empathy.

Numerous people have been motivated to cherish education and seek to ensure that every child has the chance to study and develop through Malala’s story and her persistent dedication to it. Her remarks serve as a reminder that even the most insignificant efforts, such as providing education to a single child, can have profound effects on the course of history.