Lakshay Paruthi

Cybersecurity is the process by which computer systems, networks, and other digital content
are protected from unauthorized usage. It helps to protect any confidential internet-based
information of the user from illegal use.
Cybersecurity hygiene is the set of practices adopted by individuals and organizations to
improve their level of online security and protect themselves from internet-based attacks. It
requires the person to be vigilant and reduce the risk of having their information stolen by
cyberattacks. It is a procedure that is necessary to be done regularly. Some of the activities
that help in maintaining strong cybersecurity hygiene are setting up a unique strong password
is a must along with the latest two-step verification technology, keeping a password with
mixed uppercase, and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols enhances the strength of the
password, the safe method is to change passwords every six months; To protect the
information, one must update software regularly, software updates generally include fixes for
any bugs in the security of the network, enable auto-updates to get the latest updates as soon
as they are available, having efficient antivirus software that detects threats to the network
prevents data breaches; Hackers generally send malicious links through SMS, emails, etc. to
the users, clicking on the link can attract viruses into the network leading to the theft of
confidential information, the safe practice would be to report and delete the message without
opening any such unrecognized link.
To protect data in case of failure of local storage, it is necessary to back up data onto cloud
storage regularly to avoid loss of important data.
Encrypting data to prevent leakage of information. Files are vulnerable to interception while
being sent. Encrypting them will make them inaccessible to the third party.
It is important to reset your information properly from devices like phones, hard drives, PC,
etc., before selling or donating them. It is necessary to wipe the data properly to make it
unrecoverable by software.
Government can initiate awareness programs and provide regular information against
possible threats to help citizens to avoid cybersecurity threats. Government can provide
training programs to the citizens to make them more perceptive to these imminent threats.
By firmly sticking to good cybersecurity hygiene practices, individuals and organizations can
make their digital life more secure and minimize their vulnerabilities against cyber-attacks.
Staying informed about possible threats can minimize damage to their information. The aim
should be to fortify their cyber defences and enjoy the modern digital age.