Lakshay Paruthi

Albert Einstein once quoted “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” He meant that an
individual’s purpose is to help others.
The real happiness comes from the happiness of others. Living a life of selfishness might give provide
temporary happiness but it won’t last in the long time run. We will only receive more and more if we
are willing to share with others the road to happiness, if we are willing to help others find that path in
return, we will be helped by them if we are ever strayed from that path. Rather than walking the path
alone, we can share that path with someone else and find happiness together.
Everyone in this world has someone they truly love and care for. We live for that person and share our
happiness and sorrows with them. We are reminded of them at every stage of our life and can count on
them if we ever need any help. Caring about others is one of the basic qualities that makes us human.
One should be grateful for the support they receive from others.
Life is not just all about work and other day-to-day stuff but also about the moments we create with
others, the part of our life which we enjoy the most is spending time with others and enjoying the
present without worrying about anything else.
Showing concern for others, worrying for their well being and feelings, and respecting their place in
our life is what connects us with others, it shows our own character and it shows that we are willing to
be there for them if ever needed.

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