Sarbjeet Kaur

Because mental health is a subject that is frequently ignored, Glenn Close emphasises its
significance in this remark from various angles.The importance of mental health cannot be
overstated in a society where people frequently conceal their vulnerabilities behind masks
and cloaks of strength. Our emotional, psychological, and social well-beings are all a part of
our mental health, which is an essential component of our general well-being. Unfortunately,
stigmatisation, silence, and shame are frequently associated with mental health issues. In
order to overcome this, we must bring mental health out of the darkness and into the
welcoming arms of daylight, candour, and open discourse.
A metaphor for openness, warmth, and clarity is sunlight. We may eliminate the myths and
misconceptions associated with mental health disorders by shedding light on them. It’s about
making these problems visible so that they may be seen, heard, and understood without bias.
By welcoming the sun, we foster a culture where people are comfortable talking honestly
about their mental health and looking for the help and understanding they require.
Healthy conversation about mental health is built on candour and honesty It has to do with
being free to discuss our difficulties, worries, and concerns without worrying about
consequences or rejection. The societal expectations that frequently prevent us from sharing
our genuine sentiments and experiences are removed by candour. It enables us to talk about
our experiences while being aware of how our openness might lead to healing, empathy, and
Unashamed dialogue is about escaping the bonds of shame and guilt that frequently bind
those who battle with mental health issues. People need to feel comfortable talking openly
about their mental health without fear of judgement or marginalisation, so we need to foster
that climate. This entails supporting efforts for mental health education and awareness,
fostering candid conversations in classrooms, offices, and communities, and establishing
secure environments where people can share their experiences without worrying about being
It is ultimately about building a society that loves, supports, and uplifts every individual,
realising that mental health is a core component of what it means to be human.It serves as a
call to action, asking us to shatter the bonds of stigma and secrecy in order to embrace a
future in which mental health is valued, understood, and acknowledged.


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